From viewers like you…
Alice Walker -The Color Purple
“I was so deeply touched by the Power Within.”
“MASTERPIECE! You have truly produced a JEWEL to assist so many spirits in forward movement and conscious expansion. I turned on Ageless Beauty and an hour later I was crying and laughing, the dinner cold and forgotten. I felt uplifted, challenged, comforted and deeply blessed. I want to honor and acknowledge this very important work, and THANK YOU”.
Al Henderson
“To call the Quest Wisdom Collection ‘moving’ is no exaggeration – I often found myself weeping openly... for the beauty of Life all around us... for the realization that I am better than my past mistakes... with a renewed belief in myself... and for the understanding that the power to change my own life really is within me. I so highly recommend it to anyone with dreams, aspirations, and hope for a better life!”
Perla Daly
“My prayers were answered with your shows. I knew the moment you started talking about heroism and bravery. Now I’m on fire. What a difference they made! My eyes opened up to the larger purpose and meaning in my work. My heart burst with more love and I became even more dedicated to the cause of awakening women around the world!”
Stephen Covey
-7 Habits of Highly Effective People
"Quest for Success is a significant and fascinating gathering of luminaries who share their most profound formulas for success in life. A terrific show, affirming, insightful, inspiring!"
“It’s EVERYthing we need to feed our hearts and open ourselves to the trust and faith that we can move into the future with strength and confidence. Thank you for making it, for gleaning out the essence and confirming what is best in women."
M. Kinzele
“I learned so much from the Quest myself. Your taste level is first class!”
Robert Barnet, Guthy Renker Corporation
“Your latest masterpiece ~THE POWER WITHIN~ is a treasure! You are playing a major role in unearthing a power on Mother Earth that is staggering!”
Joanne Cronin
“I was so moved by how you captured the power of the feminine spirit. It is amazing, the depth you brought forward. I cried and was so touched so many times... I tell everyone about them and I’m gathering a few friends next week to watch them together.”
Agapi Stassinopoulos
“Your two new Women of Wisdom & Power videos were landmark events of such transformative empowerment, beauty, and excellence. I and some friends I watched these videos with (women in their 40s to 80s) were entirely blown away. Congratulations for being such a positive force of nature.”
Wendy at Kahua
“I saw the show on my local PBS station but I wanted to share it with all my women friends. There are several of us turning that magical 50 this year and the video speaks to what we are experiencing. Those hot flashes really are power surges!! I am going to get a copy for all my ‘turning 50’ friends. Thank you for making this important film.”
Patsy McParlane
“I tremendously enjoyed the Quest for Life and Quest for Love series. I was so excited when I saw them. I have often felt alone going through my own life-changing spiritual experiences and these shows gave me such great comfort. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for creating these amazing programs.”
Michèle Nadeau
“The Quest is truly ‘Transformational Television’. It’s solid – absolutely the best. I am very proud to air the Quest. We've had so many people call in and thank us for putting these incredible programs on.”
S. Benson, KBDI, Denver
“The Quest is our top selling home video.”
Andrea Hanson, CPTV, Hartford, CT
“Ranks up there as one of the best programs we've done. Will pursue more episodes in the future.”
Russ Gibble, KTEH, CA
“Top rating. Top pledge program. Wonderful. Aired 3 hours prime time. We did so well we’ll do it again.”
Marilym Dent, WPBA, Atlanta
“The Quest exceeded our expectations. These shows are an excellent representation of the self-help genre. Looking to find more time to re-broadcast.”
Lori Glasgow, KVIE, Sacramento, CA
“This has been our most successful pledge drive ever, thanks to the Quest for Life series. They are some of the most powerful programs we have had on WNED in a very long time. We did even better on the Viewer's Choice repeat. Great response. And the Quest for Love series was outstanding, as well – our second biggest pledge winner. Very powerful!”
Ron Santora, WNED, Western New York
“The Quest for Life Trilogy and the Quest for Love series have created a spectacular response from TV Ontario viewers. These are the top selling videos off the air, amongst any of the Canadian networks we fulfill for.”
Viewer Services, TV Ontario
“It's absolutely amazing that you have succeeded in creating such important, high-profile works as the Quest programs. You are clearly making a HUGE difference in the world at such a critical time. I'm very inspired by your dedication to projects that empower us all.”
Nisma Zaman
“The Power Within is fabulous! What a beautiful job of weaving together each woman’s wisdom.”
Maureen Murdock
“I just saw your Woman of Wisdom and Power videos on television. They made me weep, they made me laugh. The beauty of the soul of these committed women was just wonderful – just incredible.”
Mehta Estria
"Thank you for bringing us such treasures. It’s really helped me reflect deeply about my life and move foreword, ready to embrace success"
P. Skinner
"My friends and I watch the QUEST videos every chance we get. They're so well done. It doesn't surprise me they're best sellers and award winners!"
L. Bolt
"Light My Fire confirmed how I felt but could not verbalize. Thank you for a very enlightening, human and intelligent program."
Lucie-Ana Baldwin
“The Women of Wisdom & Power trilogy is a remarkable resource for women when we particularly need inspiring and powerful role models. The wisdom shared by these women has the potential to change lives, as I and others can attest.
I was recently watching The Power Within with a friend who struggles with co-dependency and low self esteem. After hearing Alanis Morissette talk about being a target of other people’s projections, my friend left with a powerful strategy for creating appropriate boundaries.
I could give you many more examples of how The Quest has influenced my life and the lives of others. Thank you Lili, for bringing these treasures to us!”
Catherine Carlis
“A few years ago I started to create a web site for Filipina women... which evolved into an organization around the world. I was having a serious personal struggle over all the work, and wanting to give up... until I watched the Women of Wisdom & Power shows. What a difference they made! My eyes opened up to the larger purpose and meaning in my work. My heart burst with more love and I became even more dedicated to the cause of awakening women around the world!
“My prayers were answered with your tapes. I knew the moment you started talking about heroism and bravery. Now I’m on fire. This is the sustenance I was looking for! Last month I suddenly decided to take a return visit to the Phillipines, and there are all these press conferences, invitations to the top talk shows, so many big things for me. If it weren’t for your tapes I would not be ready for this. I am so grateful and want to send you my love because of it. Thank you so much.”
Perla Daly,